Tips & Tricks

  1. Prior to purchasing, please check your windows are suitable. Our blinds will not work on windows with tint, glaze or texture. If you have uneven windows, please be mindful you may not get the 'perfect' application and a few extra strips to patch up slithers of light may be necessary.
  2. Depending on window size, blinds may require 2 people to successfully apply. It may take a couple of attempts to apply in the correct position, you've got this! Ensure the window is clean before application. We recommend wiping with water, to remove any dirt, grime, residue or mould. After cleaning, wipe your windows down with Windex or a cleaning product, ensuring no streaks or product residue is left behind. If your windows are in direct sunlight, humid conditions or warm conditions like under a heating vent, allow for shrinkage. We recommend allowing an extra +0.5cm all way around the frame, before you cut. Note these conditions may also contribute to higher risk of blinds falling off. Apply blinds from top window down. Just like applying applying wallpaper, wall decals or contact to books, take your time. Slowly apply the blind to the window, ensuring to smooth out the air bubbles as you go, while peeling the underside off. It's best to use a credit card, window squeegee or rolled up towel for smoothing to ensure a bubble-free finish. If a few small bubble remain, don't worry! The blinds will still stay adhered to the window. If there any large air bubbles or bunching on the inside of blinds, this can comprise the adhesion and increase risk of falling down. You'll need to take them down and reapply again from top-down, smoothing as you go. Very low temperatures also may affect application. Condensation on window and heaters may cause blinds to peel away from window.


  1. Measure the width and length of your window.
  2. Add 2CM to each measurement and cut sheets to appropriate size. This will ensure you don't accidentally under-cut and end up with a gap.
  3. Using a spray bottle or a damp cloth, apply water to the window.
  4. Peel the blockout from the storage sheet.
  5. Gently apply the shiny side of the blockout to the window at the desired height, and smooth the rest of the sheet down with your hand or a credit card.

Air bubbles? Don’t stress, simply peel off and apply again.

How to Remove: Gently remove the sheet by peeling it towards you, away from the window. You can fold or roll for storage to be reused again and again. Ensure blind and window are both clean when reapplying.

Tip: For windows with direct sunlight for most of the day the Window Blockout needs to work a little harder to stick to the window. We recommend to cut the blockouts a few cms more than what is needed. These steps will ensure that light doesn't sneak through any gaps & the blockouts stay on the window. Additionally, apply more water to the window prior to placing the Window Blockout.

For a visual guide on how this all comes together check out our How to Use the Window Blockout Video